Allergy Injections

Allergy Injections


Allergy Injections or Allergy Immunotherapy: For those patients with allergy, sinus, hay fever, and/or asthma symptoms, we usually perform allergy skin testing at the first visit. The testing specifically identifies the allergies responsible for causing those symptoms including: weeds, mountain cedar, trees, molds, grasses, animal dander, dust mites, etc.
There are several ways to treat your allergies: avoid what you're allergic to, take medications, allergy injections either individually, or in combination. Depending on the circumstances, We frequently recommend allergy injections as the most preferred long-term treatment choice. Allergy immunotherapy can possibly eliminate these conditions!

Getting started

First, we take special bottles - vials, and put into them the allergens you or your child are allergic to based on the skin testing results – so they are custom-made just for you.
Injections — Family Bonding Outside House in DeSoto, TX

Building up immunity

During the build up phase (first four to six months), preventative medications may need to be continued daily or as needed. This is because it takes some time for your body to begin building up immunity to your allergies. The good news is that once the injections are built up strong enough and symptom control is met, in most cases we can consider reducing or eliminating most or all of the medications!
We recommend the injections because:
  • they are effective
  • they can cure the problem
  • they help to reduce/eliminate the need for most medications
  • they help us to live life in the most normal way possible.
In my experience, almost every one of my patients who have stuck with the injections looks back and says “This was the best thing I ever did for myself (or my child)!”

Monday-Wednesday & Friday:

7:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

1:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

(Closed 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m. for lunch)

Thursday: 7:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

*** Patients for once-a-week injections are recommended to come on Wednesdays ***
*** Twice-a-week injections are required to have two full days between visits ***
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